Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A smaller Envelope system

Our envelope system started out with many envelopes and has changed through the months to a lot less envelopes. I will say the envelope system works and helps with overspending. But some envelopes only get used once or twice a year. So now we keep that money in a savings account and keep track how much money is saved for each category.

Our envelope system now only consists of "Groceries and Household items", "Recreation & entertainment", "Clothing", "Gift Giving (birthdays & Christmas)", & "Home improvement". We also cash out some blow money and split it up between us, and we each have an envelope of our extra blow money that we are saving.

The Categories we save in a savings account for are "Auto Service", "Pet Care", "Home Improvement", "House Insurance" & "Property Taxes".

"Home improvement we use in both right now. We use the savings for large purchases, but use the envelope system for when go shopping for small things to keep the spending down. This envelope may go away when it is empty.

One category we should we probably save up for is "Medical". This is one category we have failed to save in. We should probably try to save up at least $200 to $500 dollars. Anything over that could considered an emergency, and then the emergency fund will kick in.