The last week has been crazy. We Live in the midwest, and was hit by a large ice storm where we live. Then it was followed by snow, and we got more snow yesterday.
As we are proactive in our finances we also were proactive for this storm. We heard the news about the storm and went and got food, candles, and water two days before it struck. I was working the evening of the storm, and night shift came in and said the stores were empty, and most supplies and food were sold out. Good thing we were proactive.
Some people I worked with ended up loosing power for 3 days, and had to stay at relatives houses. We only lost power for around 24 hours, and we stayed at our house. If the power didn't come on when it did we were thinking about going to stay with family.
We like to camp, so luckly we had camping stuff we could use when the power was out. We had a propane stove and a propane lantern setup in the garage to cook on, so we could still have hot meals. But, we didn't have anyway to heat the house. The house had gotten down to the lower 50's by the time the power came back on.
Looking at the bright side, I was able to pick up some extra hours at work because of the weather.