We have a travel trailer that we spend a lot of weekends in when its not winter. But we found out last year that the camper had a bent axle, when we had a tire blow out on vacation. We had to buy two new tires on our trip back from Florida. We knew we had to get it fixed this year or we'd be buying more tires. Luckily this month we had some extra income so we budgeted for the camper to be fixed. Plus the weather is getting nicer and I can't wait to go RVing.
I dropped the camper off on Sunday. I knew that one axle was bent and thought we had one bad wheel bearing. Monday the garage mechanics found that a brake drum had fallen apart on the inside, and that both axles were bent. Monday they bent both axles back, and today they fixed the brake drum. The total cost was still less than 50% of what we had budgeted.
I had been dreading this day for a while, and it ended up a lot easier and cheaper than I expected.
The best part was, when my wife went to pay the bill, my father in law drove her and pulled the camper back to our house. And it was sitting in our yard when I got off work....It don't get any easier than that.