We added a category called "Kid's commission" in the budget last month. We also opened a savings account for each of the kids last month. At the beginning of the year, we let the kids know if they want money all they have to do is ask for a job, and we'll give them one. We were paying out so much money out of our blow money we decided to make a category. We pay the kids by the hour. The only catch is, They have to put half of what they earn into their savings account. And the other half they get to have to spend. If its been a while since they asked for a job we'll give them one anyway. Also if we need help with something we'll make them help and pay them for it also. But they are learning that if they want money they have to work for it. So now after the first couple months, if there is something they really want to buy and want the money fast, they will ask for a job everyday until they have enough money for it.
The eleven year old, has also been searching out alternative means to make money, so he has been trying to sell some old toys to his friends. He was able sell a few of the toys and took that money to buy a toy he's been wanting from another friend. He is learning how to make deals at an early age.
Our kids may not know it, but they are on their way to Financial Peace also.