We have finnally decided on an emergency fund goal. We took our budget and stripped it down. We took out saving for vacation, new furniture, Gifts (christmas & birthdays), eating out, & home improvement. We came up with around $3300 a month in expenses. We didn't lower saving for Automobile service (fixing the car), pet care, & medical expenses, house insurance, property taxes & gasoline usage. This would still give us flexiblity in our budget.
We looked at what emergencies we might have that we could our incomes and how long they might effect us. We looked at our parents, and their health, their finacial situations. We looked at our jobs and their stablity. We tried to look at any situation that we might use our income and savings, or might cause one of us to take a leave of absence from our job.
We ended up taking the $3300 and multiplied it times 3 months, then rounded it up to $10,000. So we should be okay for 3 months with no income and good for close to 6 months on one persons income. So $10,000 is our goal.