Monday, April 9, 2012

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

March is over and we are one step closer to being finished with baby step 2. We were able to pay and extra $2000 on out debt in March.

Comparing last years March to this years. We had lower utilities, telephone, and Satalite bills. We also spent about the same about on Automoble fuel. The car we just purchased, gets better mileage and the whole family fits in. So we use it instead out our gas guzzleing SUV. We have seen about $200 a month in savings the last couple months. The last time our monthly budget for Gasoline was so low was a year ago. The increased prices for gasoline was hurting our budget over the last few months, but the new car's fuel efficency has helped offset the fuel price increase.

We are hoping to be debt free soon. Our next paychecks should be our best yet this year. And we are also expecting an annual bonus. Together these should be enough to pay off our last debt!