Saturday, April 28, 2012

Celebrating that we're debt free.

This has been a fun month with our budget. First of all we worked a lot of over time and recieved an annual bonus. This made this months budget over twice the normal budget. So we first paid off our last debt. After that we had to decide what to do with extra money in our budget. We decided to put it in 3 major categories. They were, "The Emergency Fund", "Vacation Fund", and "Home Improvement".

Then we decided to live it up this month. We went and bought clothes for all of us, spending triple what we normally spend in a month. We decided to up our dinning out fund, about doubled it. It was fun live it up a little. It felt great having extra money to play with. I know next month will be back to the normal amount of income in our budget. But we won't have anymore payments except our house payment. It will be great seeing the extra money be put into our emergency fund, rather than being a payment toward our past mistakes. Now that is behind us, and we can start focusing toward our future.